Evidence Based Program

I.B.F. Science – Department of BIODANZA Research (Evidencebased BIODANZA):

Development and Training of Evidencebased BIODANZA:-Programmes for Institutions:

1. Evidencebased BIODANZA – Programme “BIODANZA Aquatica for Reparentalisation”:

In this evidencebased programme the participants receive a 15 session program with exercises of BIODANZA Aquatica in a handbook and the music. Organisation: Altair Almeida, Course-Instructors: Prof.Dr.Marcus Stueck & Dr.Alejandra Villegas, Next Training at BIODANZA AQUATIC TRAINING CENTER Cornwall/England (2 Modules): June 2017/October 2018. Scientific Publication, movie & Information: www.biodanza.org/Science or   www.bionet.name
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2.Evidencebased Biodanza-Programm for children:

Education (4 Modules a 2 days in Germany 2017 in an evidencebased programme “Biodanza for children – Dances around the world”. The participants receive two 10 session programs for 3-6 and 7-12 years old children, with exercises of BIODANZA with children in a structurized program and a handbook plus the music. Organisation: Prof.Dr.Marcus Stueck & Dr.Alejandra Villegas. Next training at BIODANZA HEALTHY EDUCATION CENTER in Leipzig (4 Modules): 18./19.3.; 8./9.4.; 8./9.6.; 8./9.7.2017; Scientific Publication, movies & dates:  www.biodanza.org/Science or www.bionet.name

YOUTUBE: There are Interviews and a BIONET Channel at youtube about the projects: “TANZPRO-Biodanza for children”; “Biodanza Aquatica”; “Biodanza and Stress” and “Biodanza and Depression”.

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